The Shift by Andrea Mowry is a generously-sized cowl that looks like a perfectly tied shawl. For ours, we used Noro Silk Garden and Silk Garden Solo for their soft feel and beautiful color.
The Shift is knit flat and seamed after blocking. The pattern is well-written with clear line-by-line instructions. If you're new to mosaic knitting, just start slowly, and soon you'll get the rhythm of the pattern.

We used Silk Garden Solo color fushimi for the background (Color A, in the pattern) and Silk Garden color maniwa for the foreground (Color B) throughout the whole piece. When the pattern mentions Color C, you'll keep using Color B. Although gauge isn't critical, it's good to knit a swatch to check and so you know you're happy with how the fabric feels. We used a size 5 needle.
Silk Garden yarn is a blend of wool, silk, nylon, and mohair. It's soft and a little wooly and has a wonderful sheen. Perfect for a colorful accessory like The Shift!